Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Precious Friend

This is a dear friend of mine, June (the one in the middle).  She was the only one that befriended me after I got saved.  She took me up under her wing and helped me to grow.  She is the one who noticed the talent God give me to sing, and encouraged me to use this talent for the Lord.  We've had a lot of up's and down's, but I will always see her as one of the most precious people I know.  She has been through so much in her life, but there are not many times that you did't see her with a smile on her face, and praising God for His goodness.  Her faith has given me strength.
We recently found out she has Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer.  My heart hurts for her, and I wish I could be there with her, but I know God knows why He is allowing this in her life.  I told her it remind me of Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego in the book of Daniel.  They had to go in the fire so that other's could see Jesus!!  I know God can trust her with this trial. 
I am asking you to pray for her.  She will be starting chemo tomorrow and needs your prayers!!! Thanks every so much!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

С Новым годом и Рождеством Христовым


Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!!!

Why, you ask, is Merry Christmas not first?  Because here in Ukraine, New Years comes first, then Christmas is on Jan. 7.  So according to this fact we have found that Corey is now a Christmas baby, because his birthday is on Jan. 7 :)  Corey really likes that!!!

For New Years our church here had a New Years service, or what you would call in the states a watch night service.  These services are always really hard for me because I am not a night owl.  Staying up to 11 pm is hard for me, but staying up later I am really going to need the Lord and a lot of coffee :)

We didn't have many come out, but I really enjoyed them.  My husband was the first one to preach for the night.  Then Bro. Sergi preached on the fruits of the Spirit being a part of the Christian like ornaments adorn a beautiful Christmas Tree (here called the New Years Tree).  Then Bro. Sasha (deaf) that was saved back in July, gave is first devotional in front of the church.  You could see Olya (his wife), she was so proud of him.  He poured his heart out and what a blessing it was :)

Between preaching, we went to the basement and ate and the guys played ping pong. 
Some even played games....
Towards mid-night we had a candle light service. Everyone that was saved gave their testimony of salvation.  The lights to help us remember who we are, lights in this dark world.  Starting the New Year right, with thoughts of those in darkness who need to be taught the truth of the scripture, so they can be set free.
 Right at mid-night the kids all shot confetti cannons...this year...because of what's happening in Ukraine...the government said no fireworks.  So they go the confetti cannons instead.  I know my kids had so much fun with that.... and so did many of the adults too :)

Happy New Year!!!!