Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

We would like to wish all you mother's a Happy Mother's Day.  This is a day for us to take the time and remember how precious our mother's are to us! And for us as mother's to reflect on how we mother our children.  It is such a big task, being a mother. But we have the Bible to guide us.  We have many wonderful examples of motherhood....from Hannah to Eunice.  We also have mother's in the bible that made many mistakes, but we are to take them and learn from them.  So we do not make the same mistakes they did.  I know I still have a lot to learn about being a mother.  I also want to be the best wife I can, which ties in to being the best mother.  If I don't have a good relationship with my husband, I would not be a good example to them.  Monkey see, monkey do as the old saying goes.  They follow both my husband and I and if I don't do right, their going to pick up on that.  My kids see me on my best days, but they also see me on my worst days. And to me, that's scary.  I know my kids don't expect me to be perfect, but I want to be the best example of a christian (and a mother for my daughter's sake) that I can be!!!!  I just pray daily that the Lord will give me the wisdom and discernment that I need each day, so I will make the right decisions and do the right thing!!!  Let's strive in our hearts to make a impact on this generation, starting with our children and grandchildren!!!  We can change the world one child at a time!!!!

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