Friday, August 9, 2013

3 weeks in Kharkov, Ukraine

We just recently got back from a 3 week trip to Kharkov, the city in which we will be working.  I was asked to speak at their Ladies Conference, which was such an honor for me.  It made me very nervous, for I can not speak Russian, so everything was translated, which makes it's a little bit hard to keep your train of  thought.  I had to speak one sentence, then it would be translated into Russian and then into Russian sign language.  But PTL for Ms. Luda!!  She translated for me.  She is such a sweet Ukrainian Christian that came to know the Lord as her Savior about 13-14 years ago!!  I believe it all went well!!  Hoping everything was conveyed across like the Lord had put it on my heart.  I spoke about Christ being our life from Col. 3:4 which says, When CHRIST, WHO IS OUR LIFE shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.  Is Christ really our life?  For some, work is our life, or our family is our life, or even our church is our life, but what about Christ???  I am hoping and praying it helped just one heart...then it would all be worth it!!!!

From L to R: Veta, Tanya, Luda, me, Nina, and Natasha
During this trip, I also learned a lot of Russian sign language, and was able to use some of it to communicate with some of the deaf in the church!  How exciting.  I even sat in on some of the chronological bible studies that were going on for the deaf.  It's amazing how passionate they are.  Or at least it seemed that way. You should see the way they express themselves in the movement of their hands and their body language!  There has been a sort of revival among the deaf here at Faith Bible Baptist Church in Kharkov Ukraine.  It's amazing to see them learn, and God open their eyes to the truths of His Word for the first time!  Oh how my heart longs to help them, but I can't until we get to Ukraine, learn the language (and sign language). 

While we were there, we also went on evangelism many times, and handed out some Mayaks and chick tracts.  We put hundreds of them in mailboxes inside the apartments buildings.  I did get a little scared one time when a Ukrainian lady was talking with Bro. O'Brien in a not-to-happy voice.  But come to find out, some youth that was working for a company that distributes information, had come in and made a needless to say, she was just making sure we were not going to do the same thing.  I do get alittle intimidated by the people there, it's not like the people here in the mountains of NC, where everyone smiles and waves as you walk by.  There are empty looks and sad faces everywhere you go.  There was loud talking and extravagant hand gestures made between people.  If you didn't know better, you would think a fight is fixin' to break out, but we are told, that is normal conversation.  I believe it will take me awhile to get accustomed to that!! 

I celebrated my 40th birthday while in Ukraine :)  The church had me alittle birthday party, the O'Brien's got me a cake with fireworks on top (literally).  It was such a sweet time of fellowship.  Nina, Steven O'Briens wife, helped me to read all the cards that I had received.  I even got one card from Oleana, that was written in English.  She is the daughter of deaf Natasha, and  had been texting Bro. O'Brien all morning to make sure she wrote everthing correctly!!  How precious!!! Nina even made me Ukrainian pancakes and a red velvet cake for my birthday.  I was just completely overwhelmed with all the kindness and thoughtfulness shown to me on my birthday!!!!  God is good, ALL the time!!
Me and Olena
I just can't wait to get back to Ukraine.  Ms. Cathy O'Brien and I was able to talk about a lot of things, and I believe we will work well together.  She has so much experience, knowledge, and wisdom, I know she will be a great help to me as we start our missionary journey!!  And hopefully, I will be a help to her in the ministry there!

Picking apricots with Ms. Alla in her village garden
It's been 3 weeks and it was time for us to go home.  In a way I was not wanting to leave, and in another way I was so home sick!!!  I was ready to see my kids again and was craving salt and vinegar chips so bad, I didn't know what to do with :)  The planes could not fly fast enough to get me back to Charlotte!!  My mom and Briana picked us up from the airport and I was so happy to see them!  But so tired and delirious, all I wanted to do was to crawl into a nice flat comfily bed and go to sleep. But the whole trip was so worth it!  Lord willing, we will be there in May of 2014!!!  Can't wait!!!!!!!

Click on the link below to view more pictures from our most recent trip to Ukraine....

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