We'll, not literally.... we were invited by one of our supporting churches to do all the special singing for their missions emphasis Sunday. What an honor!! There were two preachers preaching in the morning and evening services. One brother from the Rock of Ages prison ministry, preached on not being a respecter of persons. That was something the Lord has really impacted on my heart in the last year or so. He was preaching primarily on race, but in my heart, I was thinking more along the lines of social standing inside and outside of the church. Just like in the book of James, how he spoke of a man in rich apparel and one not dress so nice, and the rich sticking their noses up at he poor fellow. I hate to say it, but that still happens a lot. If your not part of the preacher's family or the deacons family, or have some "position of honor", your not worth socializing with. That is so sad. God is not respecter of persons and we should not be either! The bible calls it sin! James 2:9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. Jesus said, By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:35 That's how lost people know that we are one of Christ's', is because we love the brethren, not respect the brethren because their not exactly like them. God made us all different for HIS glory!!!
Now, I will step down from off of my soap box.....lol.....
The day did not go off without a hitch though. Nothing really bad, pretty humorous I think. In the evening service, we were going to sing 2 songs before each preacher. The pastors wife played the piano for the choir. Now this piano is a fancy electric one. It looks like a baby grand, but has all the fancy do dads that can make it do all kinds of things. We'll anyway....she had transposed it 3 keys higher for the choir, and forgot to change it back. So the first set of songs we sang was 3 keys higher than we were used to singing them. Needless to say, Corey had a very hard time hitting those high tenor notes. It took me till the second song before I really noticed there was something wrong (even though I did think the first song was little high). I think the Lord was keeping us humble.... we all just laughed about it.... no reason for us to start throwing chickens :)
We did eat lunch in high style. A precious couple from the church took the preachers and missionaries to the county country club for a buffet lunch. The food was awesome!!! We had prime rib and sea bass with delicious cheesecake and ice cream for dessert! We ate in the Heritage Room, which reminded me a lot of a old classic ball room with 3 large chandlers.
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